Location Advisory

TradeAfrica provides service to help global corporations select the optimum locations when they are expanding operations overseas.

With professional experience in over 30 markets and major industries, TradeAfrica provides corporate decision-makers with insightful advice on selecting suitable locations for their operations.

Our core services include:

  1. Phase 1:
    • Customer / Supplier / Competitor mapping
    • Sector / Business climate profiling
    • FDI forecasting
    • Qualitative benchmarking in terms of investment environment related to the specific investment project
    • Cost analysis and benchmarking including labour costs, real estate costs and telecom costs
    • Comparative analysis of incentive packages
    • Executive summary of the short-list countries and cities
  2. Phase two: site visit to the short listed countries and cities
  3. Phase three: short list analysis
  4. Phase Four: site selection and incentive negotiation

Phase Five: final selection and implementation

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